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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

My Totally Bad-Ass New Outdoor Skill

As I have said many times before, or should I say given the excuse many times before, this year is the year of the house. That means our poor neglected lawn is well, poor and neglected as supposedly next year is the year of the lawn. Alas, this does not work out entirely well in the long run and therefore the time came to tackle the weed garden (weed as in big ugly things that invade my gardens, not drugs, we don't do drugs in this house, or ANY house for that matter. So get your mind out of the gutter and move along) and with MB working on the patio and the Fall weather I enjoy so much making it's first appearance, it seemed a good enough time as any to direct my energy to the outside.

It may have been a long weekend but it might as well have been a one day weekend. After spending our ENTIRE day on Saturday driving to West Springfield over an hour away and buying me a car finally, MB went off to obligatory Bachelor party while I hosted my two partners in crime, Jackie J and Mary K. As soon as they found out what car I ended up with (an '08 Scion) they tried to kick me out of the car (we were on our way to the store for champagne and the ever important junk food). I'm still not sure what Jackie's issue with this was but Mary was insulted because she expected me to get a Corolla like her. Ever after I explained that Toyota MAKES Scions and I NEED a hatchback, she was still upset but I made them get over by saying that if that was the way they felt they were banished from ever riding in it and they got over it quickly.

MB reappeared on Sunday, less than phoenix-like around 1:30pm and immediately declared he was taking a nap...he did not so much as stir until 3:30pm. Needless to say that day was shot.

This left Monday and we had a lot to do in this amount of time. I had at least spent a productive day Sunday cleaning the house and doing laundry but MB was now behind on his patio progress. He proposed ME mowing the lawn over breakfast. I have never mowed the lawn. He tells me it's easy. Now let me just defend myself here by saying it's not that I ever had anything against mowing the lawn at my parents house, but my dad only let me use the ride on mower for hauling logs and brush with the trailer. My parent's yard is much more vast then even ours and my dad for some reason felt that I would roll the tractor and therefore, did it himself.

MB started by mowing the front lawn and I began tackling the weed garden. My poor hill garden that we dug up months ago had now been completely taken over by giant things posing as grass but that are really weeds. I pulled and yanked until you could actually see the few bushes and plants I had planted and ALL the weeds were annihilated. About this time MB got a call from his brother and MB informed me that S&S (his brother and his brother's girlfriend), would be coming to deliver a patio umbrella to us. A generous hand me down from MB's parents. I continued my war against the weeds to our other gardens an MB took off to get some tool. After chatting with S&S for a few minutes I convinced MB to come to Bemis Farm with me. He had noted that they were having a huge "yard sale" and said we should check it out. With tress and bushes %75 off I agreed.

We ended up FILLING the back of my car (soon to be gone Mazda Tribute) for under $100. We got 2 arborvitaes for the edges of the patio, a gorgeous small leaf rhododendron (there was no price on it so they gave it it up for $10!!), a few smaller perennials, small mums for $2 a pop and 2 small strawberry pots for $4 a pop. As well as more than satisfactory replacement for all my indoor herbs that died (see right) and a new rosemary plant simply because, we are very found of rosemary.

All told it was very productive. After I deposited the new perennials in the newly cleared hill garden it was no longer avoidable, I needed to learn how to mow the lawn. I was so nervous I would do this wrong but MB gave me a crash course. Sure enough I was very hesitant to start but I quickly got the hang of it and began mowing in a large sort of circle, square working from the outside in as I had seen my father do a million times. When I was done I was obnoxiously proud of my totally new bad ass skill. Is there anything I can't do? Oh yes plenty but we won't go telling my ego that.

All told the yard isn't looking too shabby. I'm going to have to keep up with it more frequently but hopefully by the time the patio is ready for it's big reveal I'll have the rest of the yard in great shape. I tend to shy away from yard work in the summer because I hate the heat. However, when the air starts to change and get cool and crisp as it did this weekend, there aren't many other places I'd rather be!

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