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Monday, August 16, 2010

The Finishing Weekend: Closets

I'm starting with closets because...well I don't really have a reason. Perhaps because MB finished his closet first on Saturday? After some grumbling because he didn't want to go out to his home town for a cook out, I finally persuaded him and we got out the door. We stopped at Home Depot, big mistake. It was PACKED. Tax Free Weekend. We had forgotten. MB needed some random things and I visited my paint girl and got the "Russian Blue" (in homage to our cat Lulu how HAS to be at least part Russian Blue) for the spare bedroom. I had grandiose plans in my head that because I would be putting the last coat of paint in the office when we got back from the cookout, that I would also be able to get the first coat on the spare bedroom. This plan, never came to fruition.

We stopped at the cookout for a bit and debated on going to a second party we were suppose to make an appearance at but decided to opt out and go strait home. I finished that last coat of red in the office RECORD TIME. I honestly think I did the whole thing, cutting and rolling, in little over an hour. I'm getting better. Meanwhile, MB had taken Friday off and gotten the first coat of poly on his closet. He then sanded and put the second coat on and then hung the bar. So his closet, was done. Mine? Not far behind. Somehow, he guilted me into sanding my own closet because "the sander has the bag attached." Don't get me wrong, I'm not bad at sanding, I just hate it. Anyone who works with wood often enough learns to hate sanding. It gets in your eyes, up your nose, in your lungs and here you have this great project, your so ready to be done...and then, there's always a ton of sanding to do. I gripped but did it anyways, muttering darkly about how I'd have an asthma attack and then he'd be sorry but I finished and he put the first coat of poly on for me so I could finish the office.

By Sunday it was nearly finished. MB began putting his cloths in his closet right after breakfast while I did a quick sand on mine and set about putting the last coat of poly on (he rubbed it with mineral spirits for me). MB made the mistake of exclaiming that he didn't have a lot of clothes. To this I responded "oh goody so I can use your closet!" This is a dangerous subject for him. He said I was not to take over all the closets in the house as he mother had done at their house. I then explained that, unlike he who wears a uniform daily, WE had to come up with a different outfit every day and THEREFORE, need more clothes. He seemed to find this no excuse what so ever. Boys.

Anyway, I finished the poly, we went out to run some errands, came back and MB hung the poll. My closet was ready. It took me a little while to hang my clothes but I got there eventually (see photo). Yes of COURSE I color coordinate my clothes, doesn't everyone?! I still haven't moved everything in and there will be drawers in the middle part which MB has yet to make but still, my CLOTHES are in my CLOSET! Do you know how great that is?! I have been trotting down into the basement every time I need to get dressed/change. This has gone on for ..oh my goodness, FIVE months now! No more checking my clothes for spiders daily or running up and down the stairs a million times trying to put together my outfit. No, today, for the first time, I was able to get dressed in my room (hiding in the corner where no one could see me because we still don't have blinders on our windows but still). Plus now I have a beautiful closet to organize everything. I honestly, don't even know where to start!

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