anyone who has been through the process or buying & fixing a house (ESP in Massachusetts) knows the hilarity, blood, sweat and tears that accompany it. After 2 1/2 years living happily together, the boy & I (MB as he is to be know here) decided to take the plunge and make an investment. This blog is the soundboard for sharing the wild adventures this house has and will provide us with.
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Wednesday, August 25, 2010
The Hole for the Patio & the Blue Bedroom
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
The Stone is HERE!
Now just LOOK at that stuff! Pretty cool huh? MB called me last night in the middle of my workout to tell me he has located some stone on Craig's List that some guy is trying to off load it'll be cheaper, blah ,blah. He's going to do whatever we wants anyways so why does he tells me? Not sure. Perhaps he's excited and I appreciate the sentiment but it's his money, he SHOULD get to do what he wants. I say yeah cool, I'm so not cutting my workout short to look at some rocks and email me I'll check it out later and call him.
Shower, make dinner (mm Cajun shrimp and pepperjack grits a new fav in our house. Look I TOLD you I'm obsessed with food so just humor me OK?), JUST about to start dishes, TOTALLY forget to call him, so HE calls ME. He tells me all about it. Apparently this guy had bought it for a job and had a few ton extra (how funny does that sound? No really, think about it) and needed to get rid of it ASAP, he would deliver because he needs the truck for his next job. He even kindly provided where he originally purchased said stone so that MB could do his researching thang and see how good of a deal it was. "And there's mica in it too so it might be easy to split." "Cool" (in my defense, I'm washing dishes now. I HATE, LOATHE ENTIRELY, doing dishes more than anything else in the world so I wasn't awful chatty), "I called him and he can deliver it tomorrow so I think I'm going to have him do it. Maybe with the money we save we can do a granite front on the fire pit." Well that sounds cool but I so cannot be bought with flashy things and continue to do the stupid dishes.
I go to bed (pass OUT more like as I was so tired, I didn't even wake up when MB got home) and then I get a call this morning at work at 9am from MB. "Well, there's a big pile of stone in the driveway." Cool. "I didn't have him put it in your spot," Aww. "You didn't have to do that, I certainly could have parked elsewhere. Where is it then?" "In my spot." Oh boys. Sometimes they are chivalrous let me tell you. It's always a means to end though with them ;)
So now we have a very big hole dug in our yard that is starting to take shape (I PROMISE I'll remember to take a picture this weekend or something) and a big 'ol pile of rocks in our driveway. I made MB take a picture and send it to me (above). They look an AWFUL LOT BIGGER than what I had expected or what MB had been looking at and it is beyond me how we are going to build this thing (I DID promise to help with the building, just not the digging. I don't dig holes unless I plan to climb in them myself) and carry these frickin HUGE rocks! Should be interesting. I'll keep you posted.
Monday, August 16, 2010
The Finishing Weekend: The Office
I finished the second coat "cinnamon stick" (I never tier of telling people it's name) in the office in record time on Saturday evening. I decided, mostly because it was late, that we deserved a treat and proposed a trip to the Sahara restaurant. MB had been chipping away on the digging out of the patio (he unearthed what he called his 'manhood rock', I call it a boulder, but still, Scottish men and their rights of passage). By the time I was done and showered it was 8pm and so we called ahead to make sure we weren't too late. There was NO ONE there. This seems to be a trend with this place. We can't understand it. It's this fairly large, dark and soothing Lebanese restaurant in the heart of Worcester with a ceiling painted with clouds and baby angles and big chandeliers with very dim lights attached. It's a cool place but there were literally only two other people there that night. Really, it doesn't make sense. Perhaps it's because there is a very 'fancy' and expensive seafood restaurant right across the street, or because the college hangout is right down the street. We'll never know but I can tell you this, the food is damn good! We got the feeling the waiter was also the chef and bar tender. We are still trying to figure out how exactly this place survives when it is always empty but who knows. After a meal of pita with oil (they use this herb blend of mint and oregano in the oil and on the salad and on the veggies and its soooo good!), salad, the BEST stuffed grape leaves and some kibbee for me, lamb skewers for MB, we were stuffed and on our way home. I know this seemingly has nothing to do with my office but to me it does. Plus, I find it valuable info on some level. When we got home I was so beyond tired I sat in my 'Lindsey chair' and struggled to stay awake while MB cracked the bottle of Glenfitich whiskey I bought him for Christmas. He told me it was excellent. We had both found it in an issue of Bon Apette and I had studiously purchased it as a Christmas present. Glad he enjoyed it. Me? I had a perfectly good bottle of spumantie champagne (my favorite) in the fridge and yet was too full and lazy to drink it. Such a pity.
Moving on, Sunday I hit the ground running as usual and after finishing my closet, decided we were moving things into the office. We had stopped at Home Depot on our TV shopping excursion and purchased the brushed nickle switch plates that we now have for all of the bedrooms. I should have taken a picture they look so nice. We installed them (I started, MB finished as I couldn't line them up and then MB pointed out how I had gotten red paint on EVERY SINGLE plug in the room. Oh well). Then we transferred up the desk from the basement and I set about moving and arranging the rest of it. This is more my thing than MB's. I LOVE to organize and I LOVE having my 'office'. Do I need an office? Not necessarily but it makes me feel better and it's easier to keep everything organized. I've already written one book that needs to be sent out to publishers (I have someone else working on editing it), am working on another, and run a little cookie business on the side so yeah, I do need an office darnit!
I think it looks so great and I can't wait to sit down and do things! MB says he has a large black and white picture of, Mt. Kilimanjaro perhaps? that would look good in there and I concur. Slowly but surly we are actually 'moving in' to the rest of our house. We just take it one room at a time! Next is the spare bedroom which has somehow turned into the cats' playroom. They wont be happy when we move stuff in there but really, we don't have anything to move in there yet! Unless you count a blow up mattress and mirror. The end result to this of course is that we now have ROOM in the basement! I can't tell you how much of a difference just moving the desk upstairs made. There are no longer ANY moving boxes left in the basement as I have emptied them all. Well, that's a lie there is a box filled with our paintings and pictures but that's about it. Whats left are our large rubber bins which actually BELONG in the basement...and my shoes..still not sure where those are going to go. Full shoe closet in the spare bedroom anyone? ;D
The Finishing Weekend: Closets
The Finishing Weekend!: Intro
Friday, August 13, 2010
In-Development & a psychology lesson about boys' minds
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Vacation: My Stepford Awakening
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Seeing Red and Cutting Out the Oil
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
The Housewarming Party: D DAY and the woodchuck fiasco
I was up. Ohhh of COURSE I was up. I never even took a chance to say, change out of my pyjamas, or put in my contacts, or brush my teeth for God sake! No I literally hit the ground running, ponytail, glasses and all as today was the day that 50 or so people would flood our unfinished and unfurnished home. I had S@#! to do! I can't even remember where I start, I think it was sweeping our new beautiful floors in all the bedrooms and living room to get them ready for presentation. I then, waking MB in my mad dashings around, began moving random things in our "bedroom" backroom into the real bedroom. I was freaking out about by now. The backroom is where we were to have everything set up for the party as people could transition seamlessly from outdoors to inside. By 6:30am it was already hot and I was sweating my butt off. I had a lot to do and people were slated to arrive by 1pm. Great.
I think somewhere in this MB picked up on my panic and he set to work immediately as well, I'm not sure doing what because I didn't see him or pay much attention to him but I'm sure it was useful. I started putting felt tips that I had purchased on one of my more recent trips to the beloved Home Depot, on all of the furniture that would be going in living room and bedroom. MB helped me do most of this and at around 8:30 we began moving stuff into the bedroom. I put our beautiful new nightstands that MB had built prior to us buying the house 1st (picture included, taken by my mother).
I believe these were the product of pent up creative energy on MB's part. I had gotten a call one night when I was about to go to bed, MB: "I think I'm going to built night stands." Me: "Uhm OK." MB:" Yeah. I'm gunna build night stands." You just don't question it.
After those we moved our silly little yard sale dresser, the bed frame, and eventually the bed. I started throwing sheets on this somewhere in between random trips to and fro the basement. I put my beautiful shaker table in the living room first as I am shamelessly proud of it (picture also included courtesy of me :D). Then the couch. This took a little finagling with felt cups but it was there and that was it. We have a big chair, the Lindsey chair as I'm often to be found curled up in it sound asleep with half a glass of wine on Friday nights, but we did not have time to move this from the basement. I then set about cleaning the couch, vacuuming my life away around 10ish?
I made a cake somewhere in there. I swept the floor in the kitchen and cleaned it as best I could and then set about vacuuming the backroom and setting it up. This took forever. It was so hot, already about 86ish degrees and there I was, sweating my butt off in a tee shirt and pyjama shorts, glasses, a sloppy pony tail and in desperate need a shower. And I had people coming in about 2ish hours. I set up the two tables, put table clothes on them and began trying to set things up. It was an hour from my mother's arrival so I literally, and this is probably the funniest thing looking back, took to cleaning my bathroom before jumping in the shower, spray bottle and scrub brush in hand and literally, cleaned my shower while I took a shower. I was still straitening up my bathroom and finishing making the bed while dressed in a Velcro towel and a towel on my head. I'm sure it was quite the sight. My mom showed up just I finished dressing myself and slapping some pathetic make up on my face.
Now, my mother is not use to seeing me so harried before a party. I LOVE to throw parties and plan them and all that good stuff. Yet here I was with almost nothing done and people coming in an hour. We had moved furniture in THAT MORNING, I still hadn't even had a change to admire the effect. I set her to work cooking bacon and hard boiling eggs, for potato salad and I started setting up the things she had brought.
Now while all of this was going on, MB was smoking a brisket. If you have never had one of these, and are not of the vegetarian persuasion (full respect here) you NEED to have one. They are amazing. Now, I had noticed a small woodchuck hanging out under our back room addition a few days earlier. While I was in there setting up I heard a commotion. MB had been attacked my said woodchuck. He sprayed it with the hose he was using but was a bit concerned. This woodchuck did not look so good. He sauntered off, a little wet and very sick looking at a slow pace into the garden. I told MB to call animal control. He said it wouldn't be animal control it would be the EPA that would handle it. I told him to call the EPA. He said no, they wouldn't do anything. I was pretty pissed off to tell you the truth but I was very quickly distracted and didn't get a chance to even FIND my cellphone let along use it. The next time I saw the sickly little woodchuck he was laying in our hill garden in the sun, very strange and looking half dead.
Meanwhile, people started filing into the kitchen as I was trying to finish the things I was making. I had my cousin making pudding for punch bowl cake, my mom on the bacon and someone else, doing I can't even remember. I have NEVER been that unprepared before a party, especially of such magnitude. However, I think it came together well.
People camped themselves in our garage due to the relative lack of shade in our yard, something I did not understand not ever having a garage before but hey, they seemed happy. MB entertained the folks outside while I entertained inside getting things put together. It was HOT. Like tropical humidity hot. It even threatened to rain once but somehow, split and missed us.
People came in two waves, most of the family around 1pm and our friends mostly at 5pm. As I had barely been outside someone asked me how I felt about the woodchuck. "What woodchuck?" APPARENTLY, as MB had not called the EPA, as some of his family were arriving the woodchuck charged MB for the 2nd (3rd?) time. Well he, for reasons unbeknown to be, had a shovel in his hand and therefore, to protect himself and his family, proceeded to whack the thing in the head and kill it. I, needless to say, was pretty furious. especially that I seemed to be the last to know of this! Now, I realize that the thing was obviously not OK. It was sick. But I was convinced, and proceeded to ream MB out for this, that the poor woodchuck probably had babies under our backroom and it was just trying to protect them and now they would die and if I happened to find said babies, MB was crawling under there and rescuing every damn one of them. Turns out there were no babies but still, I was mad.
The party went incredibly well and everyone seemed to love the house. Our friends were there most of the night and two friends stayed behind to help us clean up (one really. The other was for entertainment). At this point, MB was fairly drunk and so was AC (the friend/girlfriend/coworker from my last post). As AC's fiancee was so generously helping me clean, they decided, having been seated around a large fire in our backyard for the past 2 hours drinking beer, that it would be fun to sneak on top of the roof of the garage and 'scare' us. Ashley caught them before they even made it to the window. You see, when your drunk you think your being incredibly cleaver and stealthy. Not so much. Anyways they finally left around 1:00am and it was finally over. I have included more pictures I took the next day of a reluctant MB (he's not fond of pictures for some silly reason. He's very photogenic so I can't understand WHY) in our living room. This was the defining moment in our journey so far and yet, there was still so much to do. I was SO excited to go to sleep in our actual bedroom that night I can't even tell you. And to actually sit in my living room?! SWOON! It's lovely :)