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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Hear yee, hear yee, we have walls

It is a strange and bizarre sight to be able to see THROUGH your walls. To see thee bones of your house..although, admittedly, very cool as well. It makes you realize there isn't much to a house. It makes you understand the structure and that is the first step in understand your house I believe. I'm not going to lie, the idea that there is space between your walls in which small critters and ants and spiders (over whom I am currently waging war. Our house has an unnatural draw to spiders apparently)freaks me out to no end. Again, I grew up in a log house. That means there is no space in between the outside wall and the inside, it's solid wood. It certainly brings to light the importance of good insulation I can tell you that much!

There's also something very misleading about walls. They go up and OH MY GOD you're done! right? Well that's what it looks like. The insulation went up on our after what seemed like forever and then MB and his family team (Dad and Bro) began to "hang dry wall". Again, this is a very new and bizarre experience for me. The walls go up and it seems like everything is done. Like you are well on your way to being finished. HOWEVER, there is a lot more that goes into this then just hanging them up and screwing them into the studs.

The joins need to be tapped. Then every single line of tape and every screw hole needs to be mudded. Apparently, there is another method where the entire wall is covered in plaster? Well that's not how we did it and I must say, our walls look phenomenal. You cannot see a single line or seam anywhere, more than I can say for the crappy job the previous owners did in the living room (grr). Well anyways apparently, this process is excessively time consuming. Only one corner can be done at a time. Then it is sanded, then mudded again, and then sanded again. This takes more time, esp with one man doing it in his spare time on three rooms and 4 closets (that is a LOT of corners for those of you who can count!). By the time I was soo done with remodeling I wanted to LIVE in my house!

I have yet to explain that while this entire thing was going on we, the two of us and three cats, were now living in essentially one room. We had the kitchen yes but everything was in one room and thank god for it. Our house has a good sized addition, sort of a three seasons room with lots of windows and separate, electric heat. Our bed, our small couch and half of our clothes were stuffed into this room. The vast majority of the rest of our stuff was in the basement. In fact, it still is. I'm still getting dressed in the basement daily. But the reality was that we had been over a month in one room while a good %85 of our livable space was being redone. This sucked. It sucked big time! I was getting claustrophobic to say the least. So when the walls went up I thought "Yes! this is it we are nearly there!" this sad idea lacks the truth that no, we were not nearly there. The FLOORS. we still had tar covering most of the floors even after MB's repeated work on the tar. I was getting disgruntled but there was still so much to do!

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