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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Stone is HERE!

Now just LOOK at that stuff! Pretty cool huh? MB called me last night in the middle of my workout to tell me he has located some stone on Craig's List that some guy is trying to off load it'll be cheaper, blah ,blah. He's going to do whatever we wants anyways so why does he tells me? Not sure. Perhaps he's excited and I appreciate the sentiment but it's his money, he SHOULD get to do what he wants. I say yeah cool, I'm so not cutting my workout short to look at some rocks and email me I'll check it out later and call him.

Shower, make dinner (mm Cajun shrimp and pepperjack grits a new fav in our house. Look I TOLD you I'm obsessed with food so just humor me OK?), JUST about to start dishes, TOTALLY forget to call him, so HE calls ME. He tells me all about it. Apparently this guy had bought it for a job and had a few ton extra (how funny does that sound? No really, think about it) and needed to get rid of it ASAP, he would deliver because he needs the truck for his next job. He even kindly provided where he originally purchased said stone so that MB could do his researching thang and see how good of a deal it was. "And there's mica in it too so it might be easy to split." "Cool" (in my defense, I'm washing dishes now. I HATE, LOATHE ENTIRELY, doing dishes more than anything else in the world so I wasn't awful chatty), "I called him and he can deliver it tomorrow so I think I'm going to have him do it. Maybe with the money we save we can do a granite front on the fire pit." Well that sounds cool but I so cannot be bought with flashy things and continue to do the stupid dishes.

I go to bed (pass OUT more like as I was so tired, I didn't even wake up when MB got home) and then I get a call this morning at work at 9am from MB. "Well, there's a big pile of stone in the driveway." Cool. "I didn't have him put it in your spot," Aww. "You didn't have to do that, I certainly could have parked elsewhere. Where is it then?" "In my spot." Oh boys. Sometimes they are chivalrous let me tell you. It's always a means to end though with them ;)

So now we have a very big hole dug in our yard that is starting to take shape (I PROMISE I'll remember to take a picture this weekend or something) and a big 'ol pile of rocks in our driveway. I made MB take a picture and send it to me (above). They look an AWFUL LOT BIGGER than what I had expected or what MB had been looking at and it is beyond me how we are going to build this thing (I DID promise to help with the building, just not the digging. I don't dig holes unless I plan to climb in them myself) and carry these frickin HUGE rocks! Should be interesting. I'll keep you posted.

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